Legolas is an iconic ranger for a reason.

Their Mask of the Wild racial trait also helps you hide in natural terrain, making you an excellent hunter. Wood elves are archetypal rangers, and their stat bonuses to Dexterity and Wisdom further solidify this niche.Dexterity and Wisdom are your most useful ability scores, as the former allows you to deal more damage with your attacks and improve your Armor Class, while Wisdom increases the power of your spells and vital skills like Perception and Survival. While characters of any race can be a good ranger, most rangers tend to hail from naturally wise and dexterous races. Under “Character Preferences,” turn off “Playtest Content,” “Critical Role Content,” and “Eberron Content.”.This guide assumes you’re using the D&D Beyond Character Builder, which includes helper text for new players. The Quick Start guidelines in the Player’s Handbook are a good start, but don’t go far enough for most new players. This isn’t a character optimization guide, but the first step in playing your class effectively is building it effectively. Quick Build Expanded: Building Your Ranger This guide will show you a few iconic options that make the ranger stand out from the other classes of Dungeons & Dragons, while showing you a few places where you can make choices that will help make your ranger uniquely yours. Likewise, all rangers fight in a way unique to them, using different tactics, using different weapons, and spells based on their ranger archetype. When roleplaying your expert survivalist, you will find that every ranger has a different personality and style.
#Stick ranger leveling guide how to#
This guide will walk you through the decisions that you will face in your first five levels of playing a ranger, and offer suggestions on how to make the best choices for the kind of ranger you want to play. Fighters may outclass you in terms of raw martial capability, and clerics and druids gain access to more powerful spells over the course of their adventuring career, but your versatility and unique mastery of the wilderness makes you an invaluable addition to any party. Your connection to the natural world is both magical and mundane-your survivalist skills have been honed to perfection by years of experience in the wild places of the world, but you also possess superhuman powers of perception while within the natural world. And yet you possess abilities beyond spell and steel. Your skill with bow and blade rival those of a fighter, and you possess magical power similar to that of a druid. “You cannot kill her alone, not with your scant numbers. She has returned to her lair, in the heart of the Everburning Thicket,” she said grimly. Her gaze moved from her grandfather’s weathered face and to the questioning eyes of the fighter. The ranger blinked stinging tears out of her eyes and scowled. He ran forward and put a wrinkled hand against her back, stabilizing her.

She coughed and sputtered as tears welled in her eyes and magic burned through her body. The ranger stood bolt upright and staggered backwards, mud dripping from her right forearm.

It was muddy, but she could feel warmth-no, intense heat! A furnace of charcoal and embers! She looked into the distance, reaching out and feeling the pull of the one single stream of sensation. The ghostly images of trees danced around her, as thin and transparent as morning mist. All the sensation that surrounded the ranger subsided, and she found herself standing in a blank, white plane. She took in a sharp breath and said one clear, quiet word. The ranger clenched her hand into a fist, and her arm sunk wrist-deep into the soft soil. “That woman possesses powers beyond even my own. The druid stroked his beard and glanced up at the fighter. The fighter leaned down to whisper into the druid’s ear, a note of distress in her voice. The ranger’s companions stood around her, looking at her as she gritted her teeth and furrowed her brow. She struggled to stay above the waves, straining her power to stay connected to the earth. The sights, sounds, and scents flooded her mind, drowning her in sensation. She could sense the movement of every creature in this forest, but she was overwhelmed. Her power spread through the tiny ley-lines that ran through the land like nerves through a body, and she felt herself become one with the world, if only for a moment. Magic flowed from her core, through her arm, and into the soil. She drew a long, deep breath and let the power of the forest suffuse her being. The ranger closed her eyes and pressed her hand into the soft loam. Monstrous Compendium Vol 3: Minecraft Creatures