Flipclock issues
Flipclock issues

Its 'top' property has to be the height of '.flip-clock-wrapper ul' divided by 2 minus its own height divided by 2. '.flip-clock-wrapper ul li a div.up:after' represents the line between the top and bottom parts of the flip. Ive reduced the border radius' of '.flip-clock-wrapper ul li a div div.inn' and '.flip-clock-wrapper ul li a div.down' for aesthetics.

flipclock issues

The actual number inside the box is represented by '.flip-clock-wrapper ul li a div div.inn' so I have adjusted the font size here. The line-height of '.flip-clock-wrapper ul li' should match the height of '.flip-clock-wrapper ul'. The '.flip-clock-wrapper ul' properties represent each digit's containing box.

#Flipclock issues manual#

I know its nearly a year old, but here is the manual solution (its really not '1000 css defaults'): In the flipclock.css file i think you may need to have this on. webkit-transform: scale(.54) / Safari and Chrome / Preview will be at homepage for a while and then will be moved inside projects, titled 'embarrasing'. I found if i reduced the width below the original size of clock it messed up.įudged it a little by having negative margin, but might help someone get it going or improve on scaling css. Seems to work fine in Chrome/Safari (Firefox still moves, maybe developer could modify some internal css) but haven't tested in anything else. 55 or any other odd number the flips move a little bit. Or maybe a simpler approach: three buttons outside the frame that close each of the three circuits when pushed in.Ok, So it seems if you try to scale by. The bug is in compiled/flipclock.js:1348, function getDateObject: it returns new Date().getTime() + this.getTimeSeconds()1000, both of which are counting up. I would have to either disassemble the mechamism or thinking of adding a microcontroller that control it straight from the contacts. Still broken in master for regular 24h flipclock and settting a non-Date value. A serious problem, this clock is just electromechanical, no inteligence at all, so every month that does not have 31 days the digits have to be set manually. Now it's working, but I face a second problem, the axis of the wheel that moves the digits seems to be broken, the wheel turns freely and the digits cannot be set from outside. So I resoldered the wires and put a tiny piece of isolation tape between them. So I slightly moved the other wires, trying to avoid contacts among them. I checked with the multimeter that red and white had power, and they had. (Blue, orange and yellow wires, The red and white ones carry the power from the battery). I followed the wires until the day-of-week engine: I uused my pliers for this.īut nothing happened. Now that we know how this mechanism work, we can mimic it on the cable, first shorting the middle contact with the bottom, then with the top.

flipclock issues

And after resoldering, this goes properly out to the contacts. As the clock turns, it does first an electrical bridge between the bottom pcb track and the middle one, and later on between the middle and the top track. As you can see on the picture, it is a simple mechanism.

flipclock issues

I noticed some wobling at the connector side, so I resoldered the three spots on the left of the picture. The contacts lay below it, and in my case were fine. I was thinking on a contact failure at the analog clock side, so I took out the clock handles and carefully removed the thin clock face background (i'ts fixed with double side adhesive tape). It happens to happen I recently got one of those with the same problem (and a few more).

Flipclock issues